A Member’s Response: Discovering My Father Wasn't in Control of His Medication

After reading the article on ensuring parents take their prescribed medicines, I felt compelled to share my own experience with my father. I had noticed that my dad was becoming more forgetful recently, and his behavior had started to worry me. It began with small things, like misplacing items or repeating questions, but then it escalated to much more concerning signs.

Unusual and Alarming Behavior

My father started experiencing hallucinations. He would see creatures in his bedroom at night and became genuinely frightened by these visions. This alone was alarming, but it didn’t stop there. He began having bizarre conversations, convinced that my mother, his wife of 50 years, was having an affair. This was completely out of character for him and for their relationship. My parents have always had a wonderful marriage, and at 70 years old, they were certainly not thinking about affairs. This strange behavior was a clear sign that something was seriously wrong.

Investigating the Medication Cabinet

Worried and confused, I decided to check my father’s medication cabinet. What I found was shocking. The cabinet was overflowing with bottles and packets of different medications, each with tiny writing on the labels. There was no way my dad could keep track of what he was supposed to take or when. It became clear to me that he wasn’t in control of his medication regimen at all.

A Disturbing Discovery

I started following my father around to understand his medication routine. What I discovered was unsettling. He would grab a handful of pills from whatever bottle was nearest without paying attention to dosages or specific medications. This random intake of medication was undoubtedly causing adverse effects, including the hallucinations and cognitive issues.

Finding a Solution

Realizing the gravity of the situation, I knew I had to act quickly. I discovered that our local chemist offered a service to organize medications into a dosette box. These boxes separate pills into compartments by day and time, making it much easier for someone to take the right medication at the right time.

The Importance of Monitoring

If I hadn’t been monitoring my father’s medication habits, this dangerous situation could have continued for much longer. The incorrect balance and timing of his drugs were likely causing the hallucinations and contributing to his mental confusion. With the dosette box, my father’s medication intake became structured and manageable.

A Final Thought

This experience taught me the importance of being vigilant about my parents’ medication routines. The signs were there, but it took careful observation and intervention to understand what was happening. If you notice unusual behavior in your elderly parents, checking their medication regimen should be a priority. Organizing their medications and ensuring they take them correctly can prevent serious health issues and improve their quality of life.

Monitoring and managing our parents' medication can be a daunting task, but it's crucial for their well-being. I encourage everyone to take proactive steps to ensure their loved ones are taking their medications correctly and safely.


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